Welcome to ICA Westmeath


With the Brennan Brothers

Presenting a cheque from Westmeath

Seminar in Moate
The Irish Countrywomen's Association (ICA) is a women's organisation where events are organised at national, federation and local level. It provides opportunities for women to learn new skills, partake in a variety of activities and enjoy the company of new friends and acquaintances. The organisation has always played a part in improving the lives of women by allowing them the chance to raise their voice on matters of concern that affect themselves, their communities and women nationally.

ICA national headquarters are at 58 Merrion Road, Dublin 4 and the national college (An Grianan) is based in Termonfeckin, Co. Louth. Click here to read more about An Grianan and the courses on offer.

The ICA started in Westmeath when Ballinafid Guild was established in 1945 with formation of the Federation over 60 years ago. A Federation is a group of Guilds within a specific area, normally at County level (e.g. Co. Westmeath) and is managed by the Federation Executive Committee. The Westmeath Federation meet bi-monthly and all members from Guilds around the County are welcome to attend. Go to Contact page for contact details.

Guilds are your local ICA group which meet in various locations across the County. Westmeath currently has 11 Guilds. Each Guild offers a varied programme of activities including crafts, cookery, trips, physical activity classes, educational classes and competitions to name but a few. Many also engage interesting speakers to give talks and demonstrations on various topics. Click here to find your nearest Guild.

The ICA provides a social outlet for women of all ages and at its heart is support, loads of fun and lest we not forget—tea & cake!

Timira launches Ceacht I in speaking Cúpla Focal

Ceacht I agus amhrán a chanadh

28th Triennial Conference 2016

Read reports from Catherine Leavey and Una Flynn who attended representing Westmeath and Ireland

Horseleap/Streamstown Guild Events

Feel free to browse through our web pages and check out the various events that are happening in Westmeath. If you are interested in becoming a member simply fill in your details below and submit.


Moate Show - Competition:

Here in Westmeath we would love to see new members join our local Guilds:

Widen Your Horizons: Know Your Neighbours


The ICA is a force for change, with local Guilds catering to the interests of members, so it can be whatever you want ...

We provide opportunities to meet your neighbours and make friends in your local area. Can you tear yourself away from the fire on the long winter nights to join us?

So, if you (women only) would like to develop the possibilities, we're waiting for you!

The company, the craic and talk, not to mention the tea and cakes, more than repays the effort.

If you fancy trying out something new, come and join us and share your ideas.


Written by a Leitrim ICA Member  

Are you interested in joining a Guild in the Westmeath area?

Fill in your contact details below, submit, and we will contact you, in complete confidence.


Your email:  

